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Raresh DiMofte




Height: 6’4” | Eyes: Brown | Hair: Brown

Degree: BA Drama Acting UBB, RO

Location: Vancouver, BC Canada

Willing to travel

Raresh DiMofte is a professional actor with relevant experience in film, TV & theatre and a BA in Acting. Radu Teampãu, his Acting Coach during University, is still mentoring him on a regular basis, challenging him continuously and helping him further develop his craft.


Between 2006 - 2007 DiMofte booked a few recurring and episodic roles in TV series (sitcoms), did a few plays and appeared in various commercials in Bucharest, Romania.  Before moving with his wife to Vancouver, in 2010, where he started building his North American acting career, Raresh spent more than a year in the South of France where he appeared in a few commercials, music videos and a theatre play.


In August 2013 DiMofte signed a representation contract with Rob Lycar of Moving Pictures Talent & Entertainment Group and he booked his first roles in American TV series (Almost Human, The Tomnorrow People, iZombie) and commercials.


DiMofte is working on his craft on a daily basis as well as his skills and appearance. Besides auditioning for big industry projects, Raresh also works on independent projects - his own or those of other members of the local indie community, taking on not only acting roles, but also writing, directing, producing. Those projects cover both film and theatre.


In 2014, Raresh starred in and Produced his wife's, Nadia DiMofte, directorial debut short film FRaiLNeSS, that she has written. FRaiLNeSS premiered at the Short Film Corner - Cannes 2014 where it's got a distribution deal. 


2015 is the year DiMofte made his debut in Vancouver Theatre with the role of Soldier in "BLASTED" by Sarah KAne at Pi Theatre. This role brought him a Jessie Richardson Theatre Awards nomination for "Outstanding Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role" 




Raresh is also involved with the independent film community through his involvement as a Programmer and a photographer at Raindance Vancouver




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